Having just seen a variety of portraits from the San Benedetto del Tronto countryside, I was envious of what luck Italians have to be surrounded by gorgeous scenery. Shortly thereafter, on a random drive in rural Indiana, I realized just how beautiful our wheat fields were this time of year. Perhaps I had nothing to … Continue reading Italy or Indiana? You decide with Michaela Orme
Fly the Friendly Skies: O’Hare Photoshoot
Towards the end of winter I bought a plane ticket to nowhere to gain access to O'Hare Airport. While inside, I took the opportunity to do a photoshoot with the absolutely lovely Shei Ayala Madrid. We showed up right before security closed down for the night, with flights scheduled to leave at 6AM. Once inside, … Continue reading Fly the Friendly Skies: O’Hare Photoshoot
The Pursuit of Happiness: Sara Perez NYC
Every once in a while inspiration strikes and it sinks its teeth into you. The idea of a ballerina, in an immersive art exhibit, grabbed hold of my imagination and I had to make it a reality. For months now, I looked for an excuse to make my first trip to New York City and … Continue reading The Pursuit of Happiness: Sara Perez NYC
Thinking outside the box, inside the box.
I miss being a kid and perhaps using photography the old me channels the young me. With this shoot, I was trying to capture the imagination of youth that seems to dissipate with age. Or maybe I was just trying to have fun with a cardboard box and fog machine. Let me know which you … Continue reading Thinking outside the box, inside the box.
The Future was Then
I don't know what to say. We live in a world where anything is possible and that is perfectly manifested by the location of my most recent shoot with Helen Mills. Located near Carlisle, OH is one of the few remaining Futuro houses in the world. A friend happened to be passing by, snapped a … Continue reading The Future was Then
Studio Experimentation with Helen Mills
The more I photograph, the more I see room for improvement. I want to consider myself "good,” but how do I define that? I want shots that stop people in their tracks. I want a single image that causes someone to bring a friend over and say, "look at that!" These shots are rare, yet … Continue reading Studio Experimentation with Helen Mills
Handle with Care
With winter setting in and the pandemic making a tough time of year all that more tough, Janel and I set about coming up with a unique photoshoot idea. If you follow the same hashtags I follow on Instagram, you are inundated with milk bath photography. I've found the idea intriguing, but not quite my … Continue reading Handle with Care
Revisit, Reset, Rewards and Regrets
Revisit This photoshoot, from earlier this summer, was an unintentionally stressful day. Spending time photographing Helen Mills is usually one of the best joys in life and this shoot was supposed to be the same. Unfortunately, my eagerness to experiment was to be its undoing. At least that’s how I felt in the days and … Continue reading Revisit, Reset, Rewards and Regrets
Aubrey Johnson Seniors – Part Deux
If you’ve been following along with my blog, you may have noticed some foreshadowing at the end of my previous article. I had spent the day with Aubrey Johnson, taking some great photos of her at unique locations, but they were almost exclusively done indoors. We could see in the forecast that good weather was … Continue reading Aubrey Johnson Seniors – Part Deux
The Future is Female – Senior Portraits with Aubrey Johnson
Sometimes you schedule a session far in advance and when the day comes, the weather is hot garbage. Well, perhaps in this case, it's better to describe the day as cold garbage because the temps were freezing and it was incredibly windy. To top it off, the pictures were being taken out of town in … Continue reading The Future is Female – Senior Portraits with Aubrey Johnson